Full Bucket Audio - 5 of the Best Free Classic Synth Emulations

 Full Bucket;s emulations of classic symths are some of the best around and free too.


The latest is the Six-Traq emulating the classic Sequential Circuits Six-Track released in 1984. An analog six oscillator, six voice synth, the original was awkward to program since a lot of the synths, Rolands Jx line for one, had began to replace the knobs on the synth with one knob an an array of parameter buttons. The software version happily doesnt have these limitations.

Oxid is an emulation of the Arp Omni 2 from 1978. A beuariful sounding string synthesizer with additional poly and mono synth parts. Think lush. Used by many of the post punk/nre wave artists of the era, notably Joy Division.

FB-3200 is an emulation of Korgs monster semi modular polyphonic synth from 1978, the PS-3200. A 16 note polyphonic synth, Most of us will never have access to this sort of hardware so having an emulation like this is incredible

Bucket ONE is based on the Crumat Bit One and Bit 99 synths from 1985. Both of them suffered the same editing problems as the Six-Track above, having the knobs replaced by function buttons, but the Bucket ONE remedies that.

PECS is based on the classic KORG PE-2000 Poly-Ensemble S string machine from 1976. Although it expands on the design and allows much more editing option than the original, the original being a preset based machine.

It's incredible to have things of this quality for free. Synths that mostly nobody else has made emulations of and that we wouldn't br able to expeience otherwise in many cases. And Full Buckets synth are getting better and better all the time 


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